Future of agriculture and organic farming

Niche Agriculture
4 min readOct 23, 2020

“Nation’s Strength”

FARMERS are one of the faithful people who plant seeds in Spring and reaps them in Autumn.
According to the world survey, India is one of the top countries in agriculture and cultivation.A Farmer could be an individual locked in agribusiness, raising living life forms for nourishment or crude materials. The term more often applies to individuals who do a few combinations of raising field crops, plantations, vineyards, poultry, or other animals. They are the backbone of our nation, and the economy of India is primarily an agriculture-based country. According to the statistical data, the agriculture sector in India is accounting nearly 18 % of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and nearly employing 50% of the workers.
It is a very unfortunate situation that is the most vital part of society, farmers are constantly exposed to harassment and are subject to unemployment, and live in abject poverty. Regardless, of the size of a country, each citizen of a country is dependent on the farmer for food and sustainability. A Farmer could be an individual locked in agribusiness, raising living life forms for nourishment or crude materials. The term more often applies to individuals who do a few combinations of raising field crops, plantations, vineyards, poultry, or other animals.

Role of Farmers

Undoubtedly, a farmer’s life is far from a glorious life. They are the ones culpable for the food that we have on our table for at least 3 times a day. Although, modern techniques have made work easier for the farmers, in the early lifestyle the tasks are being done manually. Today, farming and agriculture are like a complex juggling task that involves tracking and harvesting of inventory.


Planning could be an enormous portion of the job of a present-day agriculturist. Ranchers have to be considered not only what crops will develop well in their soil and climate, but also the fertilizer and water system costs, the accessibility of labor for gathering, as well as anticipated costs and transportation to showcase. Running a cultivate is running a trade, and cautious arranging is the key to victory.


It is considered to be the busiest time for the farmers. They have to line up ample labor and equipment and continue with the planting process. During this season, they often work from dawn to dusk.

Fertilizing the Fetching the Weather

Here, comes the main responsibility of the farmers to keep an eye on the weather and the pests while the crop being grown.


Harvesting is perhaps the foremost frenzied time of the year for ranchers. Some of the time the window for harvesting is just many days to a week or so, and ranchers ought to have all of their gear and labor lined up and prepared to go. Climate plays a gigantic part in harvesting, as a hailstorm or an early cold or warm snap can destroy the harvest. Agriculturists ordinarily work 12 or more hour days amid collecting, overseeing operations in different areas, and guaranteeing that crops are getting stacked onto trucks and transported to market.

Condition of Farmers

The conditions of farmers in India abhorrent. About 80% of the farmers’ population belong to marginal and small farmers.

  • Money Lenders still play a great role in agricultural credit where they have to pay the interest which is far more than the profit they gather on their cultivated crops.
  • The price of the crop is inversely proportional to productivity.
  • The equipment and machines utilized for immense productivity and cutting the production costs are owned by large farmers.
  • Crops can be destroyed anytime by too much rainfall or drought.
  • Middleman is the bloodsuckers of farmers. They make the hardships for a farmer and their condition more worsens.


By developing agri-infrastructure like markets for agriculture, warehouses, and cold storages and improving the quality of rural life and providing basic amenities including sanitation, hygiene, and drainage system the conditions of farmers can be improved.

So, farmers are more prone and vulnerable to risks and indebtedness. They are the ones that rise with the sun and to tend to crops and stay up late to evaluate the results. They fight with invasive pesticides and battle with unpredictable weather. Hence, we thank those that is the farmer “who works in acres and not in hours.”



Niche Agriculture

Niche Agriculture Limited is based on the sound principles of conserving natural resource, growing, hiring and engaging small farmers.